IEEE 802.11b USB 2.0 Wireless LAN Adapter

KTI KWB-3112 802.11b mini WLAN adapter is designed to access the convenient wireless network in the office or home. They are not only capable to access your wireless network, but also able to build up small group PC communication instantly when access point is not available. This wireless LAN adapter brings unprecedented mobility and productivity meant to be impossible in the conventional wired networks.
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Product highlights :
- Compatible with IEEE 802.11b standard to provide 11Mbps wireless Ethernet data rate.
- Compatible with USB 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0
- Supports 64/128-bit WEP standard
- Supports WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) Wireless Security
- Drivers support Windows 98, 2000, Me, and XP.
- User-friendly configuration and diagnostics utilities.
System Interface :
- USB 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0
RF Transmit Power :
- Minimum 13dBm typically
Receiver Sensitivity :
- 11Mbps: Typical -85dBm @ 8% PER (Packet Error Rate)
- 1Mbps: Typical -96dBm @ 8% PER (Packet Error Rate)
Antenna :
- Integrated Printed Antenna
Security :
- 64/128 WEP, WPA
Driver Supported :
- Windows 98(SE)
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP